huarghh*sleepy actually
owh ya, b4 sleep we must exercises (my new resolution for 2011)..haa, what exercises??alaa, yg everynite exercises kata awal ashaari in syurga cinta tu..hee, juz kid lah, not dat one..dis is exercises for ur stomach, if u desire to get 6pax ke, abs ke..u must do it dis exercises
sit up lah der
how mny times??
25 and above
try it, interesting okeyh..
actually, i'm looking for my tali skipping but it's i'm juz doing sit up. Urm, for real i'm not achieved 25 times. Only got 19 n collapsed alredy..hey, dont laugh la..its ok what for a amateur like me. Yesterday i can do only ten..n today 19.It's new record ,heee..awesome lah kan. Tomorrow dpt lah 25 tuh..hope so
gmbr sekadar hiasan
p/s: nk sgt p tgk beast 13jan nih =(
gambar hiasan tu poster filem apa yer?
P/S : Bersama Hans Menikmati Makanan Western - Chop & Steak
yosh!!!!ganbatte cik suer supaya dapat 6 pax gak..hehehe
hans isaac: tu nickhun (beast) korean mari..satg i sggh k
akuma T: hahaha, u wish la..klu i dpt 8pax ley gak
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